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Course Details

Lesson 1:

  • what is wordpress?
    tools that we need?
    wordpress.com vs wordpress.org.
    setup wordpress.
    setup wordpress on localhost.
    setup wordpress on Direct admin panel.
    setup wordpress on cpanel website.
    wordpress on your language.
    Tips to secure wordpress Database.
    wordpress Dashboard.

lesson 2:

  • wordpress toolpar.
  • wordpress categories.
  • wordpress posts-Editors&overview.
  • wordpress posts-puplish option.
  • wordpress post format.
  • wordpress categories vs tags.
  • wordpress screen option.
  • featured image and permission.
  • Media and how to attach image.
  • Pages vs tools.
  • comment system.

lesson 3:

  • Apperanse themes.
  • Apperance cutmoize.
  • Apperance widget.
  • Apperance menu.
  • Apperance editor.
  • Backup and live update.
  • Plugins and how to activate akismet.
  • users management.
  • tools press this,import and export.
  • wordpress setting.

lesson 4:

  • Files and Directories structure.
  • step into developing theme.
    create theme directories and files.
    Dig Deep into Blog info function.
    create the header php file.
    create the function php file.
    wp enqueue script function.
    Add action and enqueue scripts.
    wp-enqueue vs wp-register.
    enqueue jquery from wordpress.com.
    Add footer and Main css style.

lesson 5:

  • Add Data to scripts After enqueue.
    Register and add menu feature.
    Add boatstrap navigation bar part1.
    Add boatstrab navigation bar part2.
    Add bootstrab navigation bar part3.
    Design Blog posts 1.
    Design Blog posts 2.
    Add post thumbnail feature.
    posts loop –structure and title.
    posts loop-time,Author,categories.
    posts loop-comments count.

lesson 6:

  • posts content and readmore.
    posts the excerpt.
    posts the excerpt enhance.
    posts tages.
    posts pagination part 1.
    posts pagination part 2.
    some general training.
    Add dynamic page title and copyright.
    single post part 1- introduction.
    single post part 2 –pagination part1.
    separate pages css selectors.

lesson 7:

  • single post part 3 –pagination part2.
    comments part 1 –list comments.
    Comments part 2 –comments.
    comments part 3 – design comments.
    comments part4 – design comments.
    comments part5 – comments form.
    comments part6 – comments form.
    General discussion and retouches.
    post author meta part 1- intro.
    Post author meta part 2 – Get Avatar.
  • Post author meta part 3 – Design.

lesson 8:

  • Add posts count and profile link.
    Author page part 1 – show information.
    Author page part 2 – Design page.
    Author page part 3 – Show comments .
    Author page part4 – show posts.
    Author page part5 – custom exceript.
    Author page part6 – use wp query.
    latest comments in Author page part1.
    latest comments in Author page part2.
    latest comments in Author page part3.
    logic thinking and traning.